Feeling Connected

By the second week the meditation, pranayama and sattvic diet come easy to me. My practice of the asanas and sun salutations have waned these past few days, but only because I ran a half marathon on Sunday and my body has needed a couple of days to recover. I was never much of a runner until two years ago, when a friend encouraged me to do the half. I had no idea what I was in for, but running with 10,000 people proved to be an amazing experience. Despite going through phases during the 21K where I felt like my legs couldn’t carry me any more, or thinking that I wouldn’t make it, somehow I did and the feeling after was really euphoric. Last year, I had trained really well for the race, but this year I didn’t, yet somehow I beat my time, and I realise that so much of it was down to connecting with the collective consciousness of the other runners and overcoming my ego.

The teachings of yoga ripple through my daily life. Everything begins to make more sense, as I see the Truth, that We are All One. Seeing the Self in every living being, naturally my capacity for compassion increases and I feel a connection with the people, plants and animals around me and without trying – without attachment to the fruits of my actions – even my small self thinks, feels and behaves better.

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